Because I am so excited to be here at Molding Minds Homeschool, and to show I am not above bribery, I am going to give away free money and a cookbook! The free money will come to you as a $50 Visa Card and the cookbook will be one from the very popular Taste of Home collection.
To Enter you must do one of these things. If you follow me (Jessica) at Feeding the Family for Less, follow me here at Molding Minds Homeschool and you get double entries(2). Just leave a note in the comments. If you already follow this blog, then just hop over to Feeding the Family for Less, do some browsing, tell us, in the comments here on Molding Minds Homeschool, which one of my posts(from Feeding the Family For Less) you think needs to be posted here(1)!
Here are bonus entries to increase your odds! For one(1) entry you can Follow Molding Minds Blog. For one(1) entry you can "Like" Molding Minds Homeschool on Facebook. For one(1) entry you can Share On Facebook or on on your favorite social media site (to share just cut and paste this blog into your status or use the button at the bottom of this post and let me know where you shared). For one(1) entry you can follow Molding Minds on Twitter. This is a total of SEVEN(7) chances to win! If you already meet the requirements just post a separate comment for each saying that you already have done them.
Please post a SEPARATE COMMENT for each entry and be sure to leave an email address for me to contact you at if you win! Multiple entries in a single comment will not count! Be sure to read the entry requirements thoroughly!
Winners will be chosen Sunday, November 20th first thing in the morning and will be notified via email. Winners will have 72 hours to respond. US Residents Only.
These gifts are being provided by me, this is not a sponsored post.

Following both blogs... :-)
"Mommy, I'm Scared, Can I Sleep with You?" Seems like a good post to have on the homeschool blog as lots of parents deal with this.
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I follow you at both blogs #1
bamagv at aol dot com
I follow you at both blogs #2
bamagv at aol dot com
Twitter follower (@TheJohnsFamily)
bamagv at aol dot com
I didn't know you two were teaming up! I already follow Molding Minds Homeschool.
I had just recently started following Feeding the Family for Less - when you wrote the chocolate chip review for Molly's Home Team! I enjoyed that fun review.
I like Molding Minds on FB.
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I like the "Where we are today..." post.
I follow Molding MInds on fb.
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I'm following molding minds on GFC
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I already like you on FB :)
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I posted on FB at
What a cool idea! I should use it to get folks to follow my blog. :)
Wait, I think I did that I am following this blog too...
I like you on FB.
I shared on FB!!!
I am now following you on Twitter!
I follow Molding Minds!
I follow Feeding Family for Less!
I "liked" Molding Minds on Facebook.
I already follow on Twitter.
Shared the giveaway on Facebook.
I think the dark chocolate cupcake post should go on here...because it sounds so yummy and every homeschool needs a cupcake break. ;)
I follow you on FB!
I LIKE Molding Minds on FB!
I like the "Enjoy Life Chocolate Chip post" because life is more enjoyable with chocolate that's healthy for you.
I follow "Feeding Family for Less" too! Thanks for the Enjoy Life coupons.
I shared on FaceBook.
Hi Jessica
I am following you on Molding Minds Homeschool.
Thanks Tammany
I love your entry about Mini chocolate chips made by Enjoy Life on Feeding the Family for Less. I think it so important to get the word out to those who are in need of these products. I feel very convicted on how much I take it for granted to not have to worry about restrictions (YES I still SHOULD worry about such restrictions because it's just so much healthier) but there is a big difference between SHOULD and NEED to. I am thankful when I see the efforts of people like yourself who are putting forth such concern for others.
Thank you for your kindness.
I am following you on Feeding the Family. Looking forward to all the great resources you share.
Thanks Tammany
I follow both blogs
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
I follow both blogs
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
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littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
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littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on both blogs.
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I'm a new follower at both blogs
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Betsy Hoff
1. Follow you at Feeding the Family for Less and Molding Minds Homeschool - Pinky Sade
gagaslab at gmail dot com
2. Follow you at Feeding the Family for Less and Molding Minds Homeschool - Pinky Sade
gagaslab at gmail dot com
Follow Molding Minds Blog - Pinky Sade
gagaslab at gmail dot com
Pinky Sade - "Like" Molding Minds Homeschool on Facebook.
gagaslab at gmail dot com
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@pinksade - follow Molding Minds on Twitter
gagaslab at gmail dot com
I follow feeding the family for less on GFC
thesuburbanjungle @
I follow you!
Following you on Feeding the Family!
Nelina England
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Nelina England
Following you on Molding Minds blog!
Nelina England
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Nelina England
Shared on my facebook page!
Nelina England
I am following Feeding the Family using GFC (Serena Powell)
The "My New Homeschool Workbox System!" should definitely be included in this blog.
I am following this blog using GFC (Serena Powell)
I'm following you on Twitter.
username - serenap95
I follow both blogs
I follow both blogs x2
I already follow MMH on fb
Now follow Feeding the Family for Less and Molding Minds Homeschool
Follow Molding Minds Blog
"Like" Molding Minds Homeschool on Facebook
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I follow you on Molding Minds Homeschool
ecoblogz at gmail dot com
I follow you on Feeding the Family for Less
ecoblogz at gmail dot com
you could post this post here!
ecoblogz at gmail dot com
I like Molding Minds Homeschool on FB as Anastasia Borisyuk
ecoblogz at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter as ecoblogz
ecoblogz at gmail dot com
I am following both blogs.
I have followed this blog on twitter. @aliejudd
I am following via GFC friend connect.
I have liked your page on facebook.
subscribed to both rss
liked moldning on fb, i am an gooch
I'm following your blog.
I love your post on Organizing Kids Toys Taming the Beast!
vnjplus3 at verizon dot net
I liked you on FB.
vnjplus3 at verizon dot net
I am following the Molding Minds blog.
vnjplus3 at verizon dot net
Shared on Fb.
vnjplus3 at verizon dot net
Following you on Twitter.
vnjplus3 at verizon dot net
Following you on here. :)
I think you should post your workbox system post on this blog. People like to hear how others are doing things!
Like Molding minds on FB.
Nicole Coffman-Cole
I'm now following you via GFC here!
Following Feeding the Family for less as well now via GFC
Following you on twitter now too! @babylovingmama
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