Friday, November 11, 2011

Welcome - uuhhmm - Me? Please?!

I am so happy to be blogging here at Molding Minds Homeschool!  When Anna asked me about it, she may as well have asked, "Hey do you want a million bucks?"  My first thought was why did she want to stoop down a level... HA!  She may not have given me a million but she sure made me feel like a million bucks!
The only time I will ever see a million dollars....
I like to write about several things. I have four kids.  I officially homeschool the three oldest children and unofficially homeschool the baby.  I have some quirky ideas of what homeschooling is and what it looks like.    I love food (this is why I don't like putting full body shots out there.  I am a "you have such a pretty face" type of girl!). My son is on a special diet and I have been trying to cook with more whole foods and try to keep all the processed junk out of the house.  I am a bit of a hypocrite though, as when I get desperate, I order pizza!  I have been married for 14 years, some lovely, some not so lovely, but currently lovely.  So, I blog about my lovely married life, homeschooling, cooking from scratch, soy free, dairy free, and dye free foods in particular, although we are not as tight on the dairy anymore. 

So much to blog about, so little time!

One of my children, my only son, has an undiagnosed, chronic illness.  That bring challenges to all of the above topics.  So, I talk about it a lot and how to make life happen and happen as peacefully as possible, even when the situation seems difficult and dire.
True Dat!

So, thanks Anna, and thank you readers, for allowing me to share my craziness with you.

post signature
(Lookie at the pretty signature I got and EVERYTHING!!!!)


Willow Mountain Mushrooms said...

YAY Jessica! Look forward to reading more as time goes on!
Love your signature... lol

Jacobs Friends said...

YAY Jessica! Look forward to reading more as time goes on!
Love your signature... lol