Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To Everything There is a Season

And one of mine is about to end.

I have been working 2 days a week since before the girls were old enough for school. Since I worked a Mother's Day out, it worked for us when the girls were little and Karl was still trying to find a secure job. He worked as a contractor for his current company for several years before he was hired on as a full time employee. Anyways, when I quit working at my previous MDO, and another opportunity "fell through", I decided to work out of my home. It is the perfect situation for me. I still work 2 days a week, but I am in our house so I can still get the girls homeschooling done. Well, I could up until this year. Sigh, with Brianna and Keira both moving into more time consuming grades, a hard decision had to be made. My husband and I both agree, that it is time for me to leave the working world completely to focus on our children's education. As much as I agree with this decision, it has been bitter sweet. Partly because I really enjoy teaching, and partly because it is scary to think that I will no longer be contributing financially. Not that we are hurting, but sometimes I still hold on to a bit of that feministic idea that I am not contributing something worth while if I am not bringing in income.

So in June, I will start a new chapter. One where I am fully and completely focused and committed solely to the ministry of my family. I am happy and sad at the same time. I really don't remember what it was like not to be working!


TIFFANY said...

I've been home for about a year now and I still sometimes feel guilty about not bringing in an income. It helps when my husband reassures me that this is what HE wants as well. Good luck!

Thosetwogirls said...

Thanks Tiffany! You know when I first started working out of my house my biggest worry wasnt the income, it was that I would feel lonely. I don't so now I need to fixate on something else, so income it is LOL. Or maybe, I need to do something that isn't completely natural to any of us and trust that if the Lord is going to lead us to this decision that he will also take care of the details!

Amy said...

I had to make that same decision and eventually realized that there are other ways to "help" with income without actually getting a paycheck...My contributions now include keeping us within our budget, stretching HIS paycheck by finding ways to save on clothing and groceries through sales/coupons/etc., and even having a yearly fall yard sale which provides all our Christmas gift budget! You'll find ways to contribute, but no matter what, you are doing what your husband can't right now, so let him do what you can't! You both have important jobs! :)

Thosetwogirls said...

Amy-Logically, I know everything you say to be true. Not that I have the monopoly on this, but I work hard, ALL THE TIME! And I know this, and I know that the work I do, though without income, has eternal purpose. I think I will feel much better about it once it is just done.