Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fruit Gobbler Healthy Thanksgiving Recipe

Because we homeschool we wouldn't usually have holiday parties, but because of the in home school I run we did this year!

I wanted to do something super fun that we could also eat and fell into the healthy category and I was so excited when I came across this Fruit Gobbler Recipe.

Bosc pear (head)
Melon (body)
Cheese (beak and tail feathers)
Red pepper (snood, feet and side feathers)
Raisins (eyes)
Grapes (tail feathers)
Bamboo skewers
Stabilize the melon body by cutting a shallow slice off the rind to form a flat base. Using a section of bamboo skewer, attach a Bosc pear head to the melon, as shown.

Cut a cheese triangle beak and red pepper snood. Attach both, along with raisin eyes, to the head with sections of toothpick.

Cut red pepper feet and set them in place. For tail feathers, skewer cheese cubes and red grapes, then insert the skewers as shown. Pin pepper side feathers in place with toothpicks.

I changed a few things so that I could use up some food I already had and I used a cantaloupe for the body and I couldn't get him to sit up so had to stuff some tissue paper "grass" around him. We had a lot of fun making him and he was a big hit at our party.


Terri Camp said...

That's so excellent! I love it! I can't wait to make this. You've inspired me to make cute food for Thanksgiving this year.

Keri A said...

CUTE!!! Great idea girl. You are inspiring with all your cute ideas.

collin said...

Wow!!! Very creative. Really loved it. This is awesome.

Take the test Your Health Quiz and find out how healthy you really are? I have taken the test and enjoyed a lot. Hope you too will enjoy it. Have Fun!!