With our second trip to Disney World coming up and Heidi hosting a Disney Memories link up, I thought this was the perfect time to share our one of our favorite magical memories.
The girls were nearly 3 and 4 when we went. We had, had so much fun so far and as a special treat we were eating at Epcot with The Little Einsteins and Jojo from Jojo's Circus for breakfast. The girls were so excited! They had been Jojo fans from the first time they saw the cartoon and we were excited to see them so excited! I dressed the girls up in their Disney shirts and of course we donned them in the prerequisite Mickey Mouse ears. Because our reservations were quite early and because of the time of the year we went, Epcot was quiet. We walked in pretty much alone and were instantly greeted by a park employee. She asked us if we had a moment and without thinking we said yes.
Uh oh. Now we had gone and done it. We were going to spend the next 2 hours listening to a sales pitch about season passes, time shares or whatever other new "get you to come back" scheme they had. Karl and I both looked at each other and sighed, but neither of us protested as we were led into the building. The lady led us to a room in the guest relations building labeled "Guest Holding Room". Now how ominous does that sound? They were holding us, likely until we caved and bought the time share just so that we could escape the room! She left and Karl and I discussed escape routes, what to do if one of use dropped over dead from boredom, and ways we could incapacitate the crew member without seriously hurting her. About 5 minutes after she left she returned. This was it. She was about to walk in with a pile of paper work and handcuffs. We were sure of it. Just as we were gathering the girls up to make a run for it we got the surprise of our lives (or at least our trip!). Mickey Mouse was escorted in. And this wasn't just any Mickey. Mickey is spread through out the parks in various costumes, but this one was special. This was THE MICKEY. This was Mickey all dressed up in his parade costume, the blue sequin. I might have been holding back tears and screams at this point, like one of those crazy teenyboppers at a boy band concert. My girls were shocked into silence that I might have been worried about if not for the gigantic grins plastered across their faces. We spent the next 15 minutes having our own private photo session and getting autographs. It was truly magical.

I am looking forward to seeing what memories we make on this next trip with it being my son's first time to go. However, I am honestly not sure how we will top the day we got to meet Mickey Mouse.