After doing some research and finding some awesome rooms like this one,
Bright and Cheery School Room , I decided it was time to get DH on the ball with painting our school room. We are lucky enough to have a room dedicated to homeschooling. It was the room that sold this house plan to me. Since we moved in in August I have been slowly but surely getting the room to a point that I love. First step was to remove all of the scrapbooking stuff. Before the kids I used to scrap hardcore. I just don't have the time, or if I was to be honest, the desire to devote the time and money it takes to maintain that particular hobby so out it goes! (excuse the bad photos as they were taken with a camera phone)
Here are the pictures of our Homeschool Room finally! Its now been painted and somewhat organized. The pictures are in no particular order so sorry about that :)

This shelf is one I got from Lowes. It has doors but they dont fit on it right. I holds puzzles, board games, Ikea bins with crayons and other small school supplies, and our cookie sheet with magnetic letters.

I am decorating the room with the kids art work. This is a masterpiece by my oldest.

A wide shot of the left side of the room. Can't get the whole thing at once because of the walls. The red table and green chairs as well as the chalkboard are IKEA.

This side has our bookshelves and baskets on it.
My messy desk and a milkcrate full of stuff that needs a home. The artwork is my younger daughters.

One of the bookshelves. This one holds the kids books, coloring books, and cute buckets that I got at Hobby Lobby during a 1/2 off sale. The baskets on the top of the shelf and the green one are ones I got 75% off during Walmart's Easter Clearance.

This is a
ClosetMaid Laminate Shoe Organizer
that I found. It was perfect for the mini-milkcrates I found on clearance at Walmart. The Red and White bins are from Ikea. These hold various school supplies and a few books.

This shelf holds all of my curriculum and workbooks. The artwork on top was created by using a
celery heart as a stamp. Again the buckets are Hobby Lobby.
The color on the wall is Asparagus by Valspar. I know it doesn't look anything like Asparagus does it? It is a great room though. I am so blessed to have the space and a husband willing to put up with my arranging and rearranging of our school space. Tell me about your space!
Cute school room!
Here from HS Lounge... :) Fabulous room! Love the bright wall color and fun organizers everywhere! Maybe one day I'll have a room this cool!
That looks awesome. I'm working on mine right now. My "School Room" is actually the family room part of our great room. It's going to be awhile until it's totally done though because the piano and sectional that occupy the room at the moment are waiting for our house addition to be done. (The Lord is teaching me patience) So I will just work with what we have and do it with a smile ...cause when it actually is done it's going to be awesome. I am repurposing a TV cabinet in to our homeschool shelf at the moment... I'm going to organize all our books and get it set up in the next week. Check out my blog it you're interested... it's not there yet though.
So would you laugh very much if I told you that our school room is the ONLY part of my house properly painted and decorated?! Yes! I was so excited to have that room that it was moved to the top of the list. I am very glad I did though. We were working out of my breakfast room in our other house and it has been more than a blessing to have our school stuff tucked away.
I can't wait to see how you do up your space. I love seeing other peoples ideas!
I'm writing a blog post about homeschool rooms/atmosphere and love your pics. I'll be adding a link to this post, in my blogpost. LOVE the great green on the walls!
LOVE your schoolroom!
love, love, love the color selections. bright and cheery. you may find that after awhile you use many rooms in your house to do school. we read in the living room, devotions/bible reading on mom and dads bed, science/crafts in the basement, etc. regardless, it's great to have one place to keep all your things. you are very well organized. love it!
I LOVE the bright green! So beautiful and crisp looking!!
What a perfect school room!
I LOVE your school room!!! We put our two boys together so we could turn our second bedroom into a school room, but it is really small. You have a great ideas!
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