Sunday, May 30, 2010
Kids Bowl Free!

Saturday, May 29, 2010
3 Ways To Make Science Fun and a $30 GC Giveaway to Home Science Tools

Have you ever been asked how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly? Most of us can answer this question but why not watch it instead? This Butterfly Garden Kit was one of my children's favorites. We not only got to talk about how this miraculous change happens but we got to see it! Interested in watching some other interesting insects? Try Ladybugs or try Hatching Frogs. You can even Hatch Quail Eggs! For your middle schoolers and up try Growing Bacteria in Petri Dishes.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I'm still here!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Freebie Friday

Monday, May 17, 2010
6 Reasons to Homeschool Year Round

1. No big gaps means no need for tons of review over last years work. I'm sure we all remember with less than fond memories the amount of review that was required at the beginning of each year. What we learned the previous year was almost always lost during the weeks of no application over the summer holidays. Year round schooling eliminates this by eliminating the huge gap over summer break, keeping concepts fresh in your child's mind.
2. Working at a pace that is best for your child. Most of us have at least a general idea of what we would like to accomplish during a school year, but what if our child needs more time on a particular concept? This is not possible when you are in a rush to finish on a self-imposed deadline. Year round schooling gives you the flexibility you need to spend days or even weeks helping your child fully grasp concepts that they struggle with.
3. Things happen. Let's face facts. Stuff happens. Kids get sick, relatives pass away, cars break down. All of these things can interfere with schooling, but schooling year around gives you the option to put off school without having to worry about playing catch up.
4. Not having to vacation with the crowds rocks! What is worse than paying for a vacation to Disney World only to get there and be held hostage by the long lines at the It's a Small World ride? Let me tell you from experience that Disney World is so much better in August after school starts than in June when all the summer crowds are there. Not to mention most hot spots for vacations will run specials during the off seasons.
5. Flexability. Besides just simply beating the crowds, being able to plan your vacations or time off when you want is just convient.
6. No back to school blues. Well, I think this one speaks for itself. No having to fight the kids to get back on the school schedule. No having to recover from one day being able to do what you want, to the next day having to get back on track.
Year around school looks different for each of us who use it. Some will use a 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off schedule. Others simply take off time when they feel like it. We personally use, a mix of taking off when we feel like it and scheduled time off, taking off all of December. Trying to school during the chaos of the holidays is all but impossible for us. What does your school year look like?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Fabulous Freebie From Fry's!

Thursday, May 13, 2010
New Blog Design and Magazine Giveaway!!
Well here it is! What do you think? I had so much fun working with Kristin over at Simple Whimsy Designs. Best of all she did all the thinking for me! All I had to do was say yes or no!
To celebrate my new look I am going to do another giveaway! This time I will be giving away a subscription to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine!
With information on travel, Biblical flowers, teaching math across the grades, and more, The Old
Schoolhouse® Magazine is warming up to spring already.
Enjoy articles on math, marine biology, and gardening this April when our Spring issue springs into action. Learn about a bit of history with a cast iron campfire dinner, as well as information on camps of all kinds; Christian camps, family camps, even homeschool camps can all be found in the pages of the Spring issue of TOS!
As always, a unit study and drawing lesson from Carolyn Hurst, author of the popular Draw, Write,Now® series, is included.
As the warmth of spring heats up the end of many homeschool calendars, many of us begin to look toward curriculum and supplies for the coming school year. Find information galore in thirty product reviews with our Lab Special Feature revealing details of a broad range of items you may find will be a perfect fit for your homeschool! Our reviewers are homeschooling just like you as they put items through their paces, check them out with their children, and give you an honest rundown of exactly what the item offers for your family. Get a head start on determining your wish list for next school year before attending conferences with the help of this boost of even more reviews than normally enjoyed in every issue!
Teach yourself a little more about Russian homeschoolers in our "Show and Tell" article as we learn what it is like to homeschool in Russia. And enjoy articles providing help for teaching a fidgety child, a drawing activity of marine animals, and be prepared with information about filling your own travel kits! Learn about resources by reading the reviews, sharpen your instructional skills with information in the articles, and get tips on teaching math across the grades. Teach, learn, and enjoy every day of homeschooling with our Spring issue.
Warm the hearts and minds of your family beginning this spring with a subscription to The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine!
Now on to the fun part! How do you enter to win this great prize? It's easy all you need to do is FOLLOW MY BLOG. And guess what there are three ways to enter for up the three entries! You can chose to follow me through my RSS FEED, TWITTER or FACEBOOK!!! One entry for each way you follow(please post a separate comment for each entry)! So what if you already follow me? All you need to do is comment and let me know! It's that easy! On Tuesday I will chose the winner using a random line picker.
This prize was donated to give away. I was not compensated in any way by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Wordless Wednesday: How Does Your Garden Grow?

Honey Bee Swarming Season

This is the swarm that landed in our tree. The removal guy said that it was very small. Only about 300 bees. These swarms can get huge! Think 25,000 bees or more!

Friday, May 7, 2010
Summer Reading Programs

Barnes and Noble- Read 10 Books and get one free for participating in their summer reading program!
Half Priced Books- Earn a $3 gift card each week during the entire length of their summer reading program that they read for at least 15 min a day! This gives your child the potential to earn up to 9 gift cards!
National Amusements-BOOKWORM WEDNESDAYS - A fun and rewarding summer reading program developed to encourage young children to read during the summer months. BOOKWORM WEDNESDAYS entitles kids to free admission to a select children's film when they present a book report at a participating Showcase Cinemas, Multiplex Cinemas or Cinema de Lux box office. Accompanying parents or guardians and children under six receive free admission and do not need to submit a book report.
Your local library is also a great place to look for reading programs.
This is not for the summer but the deadline to enroll is approaching so here are reading programs offered during the school year that require summer enrollment:
Pizza Hut Book it!-
Six Flags Read to Succeed
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Our Homeschool Room
that I found. It was perfect for the mini-milkcrates I found on clearance at Walmart. The Red and White bins are from Ikea. These hold various school supplies and a few books.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Yeah, so I haven't been so on top of doing this the last few weeks. We were out to eat way too much again but I am ready to get back on track!
Monday Dinner: Tacos. Quick and easy before I head off to study for my ASL exam.
Tuesday Dinner: Baked Tilapia in Butter Garlic Herb Sauce ( prefer to swap out the paprika with a blended herb mix I have)
Wednesday Dinner: Crock Pot Chicken Soft Tacos (can you tell I have some tortillas that need to be used?)
Thursday Dinner: It's produce day so I am making Shepherd's Pie!
Friday Dinner: Chicken Kiev maybe?
For more great menu plans head over to Menu Plan Monday at www.orgjunky.com!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
HomeSchooling For Free Part 2: Organization and Record Keeping
Homeschool Tracker- Basic record keeping software. This software allows you to keep record attendance, grades and assignments for multiple children. There is also an option upgrade for a reasonable price.
Homeschool Skedtrack-Homeschool Skedtrack is a FREE online lesson planner, scheduler, and tracking system rolled into one. The heart of the system is the automated scheduling of activities that frees you from the headache of rescheduling everything once an activity/lesson is missed.
Homeschool Inc- Another basic planning site.
I also suggest a milk crate or other file system and a set up like This One at Organizing Homeschool. For a minimal investment keeping organized will help you to save money, by allowing you to be able to keep up with what you already have. There is nothing like purchasing or printing something only to find the one you already bought buried underneath a pile of papers.
Don't forget to check out the previous installment of this series and be sure to sign up for Email Updates or Follow Me on Twitter to get post updates as they happen!
HomeSchooling For Free Part 3: Elementary Math

Math Fact Cafe- Free printable worksheets for elementary math including drill cards on money, time and and more. Also, offers a build it option for a bit more customization.
ABC Teach-Offers a basic variety of printables starting with problems as simple as adding shapes together.
EZ School- There are a few ads to dodge on this site, but the worksheets are offered in color, which is nice if you are looking for something beyond your basic black and white. The site also offers a variety of age ranges so if you have more than one child you can get all their worksheets in one place.
Free Math Worksheets- This site offers some very customizable worksheets.
TLS Books-Scroll down a bit past the ads and you will find a variety of free printables.
Homeschool Math- Sheets for 1st grade up through 5th as well as various themed worksheets.
Currclick- Offers tons of free resources
Free Math Test- If you are looking for a way to gauge how your child is doing, this site offers free math tests.
Apples 4 the Teacher- Math Games
Cool Math for Kids- More Math Games
Well there you have it! There are TONS more free math resources all you need to do is SEARCH.