Monday, July 9, 2012

Free Lesson Planning Pages from Around the Web

It is that time of year when the majority of homeschooling moms and some dads are getting busy. We have bought and sold curriculum and now have most of our "stuff" otherwise known as educational opportunities for our kids.  It is now time to clear the fog leftover from homeschool conventions and the heady scent of new curriculum.  We do this by planning.

You gather all your books and papers and laminated things and excitedly sit down.  A bouquet of freshly sharpened number twos grace the table next to your cup of hot whatever and your dominant hand.  You are sitting in a position that says, "I mean business, Y'all."  The only thing missing is a lesson planner.  You can buy one. There are lots of good ones. But, there are also those that are free.

Here are some favored links to free, create your own, lesson planners!

  1. The first, and one of my favorite resources: Donna Young
  2. This is a new one I have ran across, complicated looking, geared toward public schooling, but I know some homeschool moms will probably love it - Lesson planning in the cloud -
  3. This one is a KISS (keep it simple stupid) - Super Teacher Worksheets (opens a PDF file)
  4. Another KISS one that is all on one page from MeetPenny (opens a PDF file)
  5. Here is one geared towards Catholics - But I am willing to bet a protestant could use it too...
  6. This is cute for littler ones - Tot School
  7. This is one for Five In A Row
  8. A free one from Teachers Pay Teachers (A very nifty site, too!)
  9. Beautiful pages from Notebooking Nook 
  10. A free one from TeachingMy3 at Teachers Notebook
There you go. Ten awesome places to start.... I have to say I was VERY tempted by 9 and 10 and I already have a lesson planner.....

OH and one more thing, Anna says that the posts with more images gets more attention so here is a cute cartoon for you.

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  1. Thanks for sharing those sites. It's good to know there is somewhere you get this stuff for free. Yeah for homeschool!

  2. I agree! There is such a wide variety of this kind of thing, you could search online for HOURS :)

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